Mama Bamba Nutrition Series: A critical eye on Pregnancy Anaemia with Jacqui


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We’re very excited to have connected with Jacqui from Wellness with Jacqui and are planning a series of workshops exploring areas of pregnancy nutrition.

Jacqui is passionate about helping women understand their bodies better and educating them on the power of nutrient-dense, whole food nutrition as a way to support their hormone health.

Our first workshop is titled A critical eye on Pregnancy Anaemia. This is such a prevalent topic, as I am sure that many of you have also noticed the increase in pregnancy anemia among your clients.

Jacqui’s talk and Q&A workshop speaks to this diagnosis and offers a deeper understanding of why pregnancy anaemia is often misunderstood. It also investigates what other factors need to be considered in treating this condition. As doulas, this knowledge can help us to empower our clients to explore their options in managing iron levels and make informed choices.

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