Mama Bamba Birth Preparation

From the womb into the world; our antenatal classes are designed to create empowering and transformative birth experiences for you, your partner and your baby.
We offer intimate, interactive workshops that include lots of discussion, birth videos and useful, practical exercises to help teach you the techniques.
Our birth preparation techniques assist your body to let go of fear which can cause tension and pain during labour. To birth free of fear creates a wonderfully supportive atmosphere for your baby.

This method wonderfully complements traditional health care.

The Mama Bamba Way: Inner pathways back to the power and pleasure of birth book is available for purchase at the course.

Birth Preparation
with Robyn

A 4 hour in-depth online course for parents-to-be
designed specifically to create
a deep and lasting connection to your baby
prior to birth. The course is designed specifically to suit your individual needs and birth plans. Scheduled to fit your calendar.

Birth Preparation
with Amy

Based on the internationally acclaimed book, The Mama Bamba Way, our weekend antenatal workshops offer parents a unique opportunity to trust in the magnificence of birth in all its intensity.

Visit our Events Calendar to view course dates

Read more about The Mama Bamba Way Book

A wonderful resource when preparing for labour and birth 

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