The Mama Bamba Way Antenatal Course

Prenatal preparation for parents that honours the wisdom of birth
the soul wisdom of incoming babies

Birth is a sacred event, although in this day and age it is an element of birth that is often ignored. Mama Bamba antenatal birth preparation looks at the various ways to recognise the deep wisdom and soul beauty of birth, and to find ways to incorporate it into birth plans in a language that caregivers will understand and respect.

The Mama Bamba Way antenatal classes are designed to create empowering and transformative birth experiences for women, their partners and their babies.

We believe women should be able to encounter birth as a soul satisfying, deeply enriching experience. We offer antenatal classes to provide tools for ensuring that birthing mothers trust in their ability to birth in the manner of their choice and are able to do so with mindfulness, support and confidence.

Our experiential, practical approach to antenatal preparation encourages you to trust your body to let go of fear during birth. Doing so allows labour to unfold in an easier, more loving way. We provide information on how relaxation and support can help you physiologically during birth, we guide informed decision making around birth choices, and we offer experiences of deep relaxation, visualisation, movement for releasing tension in your body, massage techniques, and connecting with your unborn baby as helpful resources that you can draw on during labour.


Amy's Course includes:

  • Techniques for letting go of resistance to labour and for releasing fear about labour
  • Peaceful birth visualizations and birth imagery
  • Guided relaxation for partners to use during pregnancy and birth
  • Comfort measures for labour
  • Connecting with your unborn child
  • Breathing techniques
  • Signs of labour and the process of labour
  • Birthing techniques and positions
  • The birth partner’s role in labour
  • Skin to skin and breast feeding

The cost:
R3200 per couple and includes a detailed manual. 

We meet from 9:30am to 4:30pm on a Saturday and Sunday.

Small groups of no more than six couples.
The antenatal course is attended by you and your birth companion.

“Usually we think that brave people have no fear.
The truth is that they are intimate with fear.”
— Pema Chodrun

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