Complete this exercise at least twice. The first time, imagine that your client calls you in early labor on Saturday at 11:30 p.m. The second time, imagine that you receive a call on Wednesday at 10:15 a.m.
- How does your client in labor (or wondering if she’s in labor) reach you?
- Consider what plans you would have to make for your family’s needs for the next 36 hours.
- Consider what plans you would have to make in your work schedule for the next 36 hours.
- Consider what personal plans would need to be changed in the next 36 hours.
- How would your plans described above change if the woman needed you two hours from now?
- Do you have food prepared? For your family as well as for yourself?
- Is your hair clean? Have you showered today? (Remember, you may be with her in labor for 24 hours.)
- Are you free of all scents and perfumes?
- What will you wear?
- What do you need to take with you when you meet your client?
- What do you see as the most challenging about being “on call?”