- All content shared on this online learning platform
- The Mama Bamba Way. Robyn Sheldon
- The Doula Book: How a Trained Labor Companion Can Help you Have a Shorter, Easier and Healthier Birth by Marshall and Phyllis Klaus (2012, or later)
- The Basic Needs of a Woman in Labour. Ruth Ehrhardt
- Breastfeed Your Baby. Marie-Louise Steyn IBCLC. Metz Press
You need to select and read at least three (3) books from the list below. Please select the most recently published editions:
Pregnancy & birth preparation
- The New Pregnancy & Childbirth: Choices and Challenges by Sheila Kitzinger (2011, or later)
- Understanding the Critical Period Between Conception and the First Birthday. Odent, Michel, MD. Primal Health
- Birthing From Within. Pam England
- The Gentle Birth Method. Gowrie Metha
- The Fertility Handbook. James Schwartz
- The Secret Life of the Unborn Child. Verney, Thomas with John Kelly.
- Spiritual Midwifery. Ina May Gaskin
- The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas and All Other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin (2013, or later)
- The Labour Progress Handbook. Simkin and Ancheta
- Optimal Care in Childbirth: the Case for a Physiologic Approach by Henci Goer and Amy Romano (2012, or later)
- An Easier Childbirth: a Mother’s Guide to Birthing Normally by Gayle Peterson (2008, or later)
- Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin (2008, or later)
- Heart and Hands. Elizabeth Davis. Celestial Arts
- Natural Hospital Birth: the Best of Both Worlds by Cynthia Gabriel (2011, or later)
- Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering. Buckley, Dr. Sarah J.
- The Silent Knife. Nancy Weiner Cohen
- Birth Without Violence. Frederick Leboyer
- Preparing for a Gentle Birth by Blandine Calais-Germain & Nura Vives Pares
The newborn, breastfeeding & parenting
- The Baby Book by William Sears
- Dr Jack Newman’s guide to Breastfeeding: The Canadian Expert Offers the most up to date advice on every aspect of Breastfeeding. Jack Newman & Teresa pitman (2015, or later)
- Raising a son. Don Elium
- Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth. Chopra, Deepak.
- Parenting from the Inside Out. Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell
- Why Love Matters. How Affection shapes a Baby’s Brain. Sue Gerhardt
- Liberated Parents, Liberated Children. Mazlish and Faber
- The Continuum Concept. Jean Liedloff
Emotional challenges
- When Survivors Give Birth: Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on Childbearing Women. Penny Simkin, Phyllis Klaus
- This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression by Karen Kleiman and Valerie Davis Raskin (2013, or later)
- The Hidden Feelings of Motherhood by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett (2005, or later)
- Transformed by Postpartum Depression: Women’s Stories of Trauma and Growth by Walker Karraa (2014, or later)
- Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: A Self-Help Guide by Pacific Postpartum Support (2014, or later)
- Invisible Earthquake. Malika Ndlovu
- Waking the Tiger. Peter A Levine
- Necessary Losses. Judith Viorst
- The Light Inside the Dark. John Tarrant
- The Doula Business Guide: Creating a Successful MotherBaby Business by Patty Brennan (2014, or later)
- Doula Programs: How to Start and Run a Private or Hospital-Based Program with Success! by Paulina Perez with Deaun Thelen (2010, or later)
- Body of Work: Finding The Thread That Binds Your Story Together by Pamela Slim (2013, or later)
Developing the heart
- The Scientification of Love. Michel Odent
- The Wise Heart. Jack Kornfield.
- Everyday Blessings. Jon and Myla Kabat Zinn
- The Miracle of Mindfulness. Thich Nhat Hanh
- Wherever You Go, There You Are. Jon Kabat Zinn
- Time to Think. Nancy Kline
Women’s health
- Our Bodies, Ourselves for the New Century. The Boston Women’s Health Collective
- Goddess in Everywoman. Jean Shinada Bolen
- The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring your Vitality by Kimberly Ann Johnson