Doula Training
You are a birth servant. Do good without show or fuss. If you must take the lead, lead so that the mother is helped, yet still free and in charge. When the baby is born, they will rightly say: ‘We did it ourselves!’ — TAO TE CHING
Mama Bamba doulas are taught to hold a strong, still, supportive space for their clients in labour. When both parents are free of fear, the mother naturally moves into an altered state of consciousness.
Babies born into this sacred birthing field remain connected to a high frequency of consciousness resonating with unconditional love and wisdom.

What is a Doula?
A doula is the term given to a person attending to the continuous, emotional support of a woman in labour. Traditionally, women – especially first time mothers, would be assisted by other women when they were giving birth. The best birth attendants were comfortable and confident that they knew the way forward through the journey of labour and birth. Ideally, they were there to encourage, nurture, and support the birthing mother. They took care of her with kindly words, appreciation, guidance, massage and focused attention.
We provide wholehearted professional training to doulas, from all walks of life, to love and support birthing mothers.
A doula does not replace the birth partner; she acts in a supportive role to both parents, and her role is to encourage the birth partner to recognize how integral their involvement can be in creating a satisfying birth experience. Part of a doula’s role is to assist the partner to stay more involved during labour, rather than to pull away in times of stress. Because doulas are familiar with the process of birth, they can honestly reassure both parents about the normality of the experience during times when it might seem overly intense.
The power of birth generally has a long term impact on our emotional and spiritual well being. Whether it creates a positive or a negative impression depends on our circumstances, our level of trust and our ability to remain open to the experience.
Our doula training course prepares doulas to care for their clients,
by providing comprehensive experience in:
Hands-on Labour Support Techniques
Doula-Client Interaction
Scope of Practice
Statement and Standards of Practice
Ethics and Responsibility
Stages of Labour and Comfort Measures
Postpartum and Newborn Care
Caesarean Birth and Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
Emotional care of the Labouring Woman
Listening Skills
Managing Difficult Situations
The Birth Partner
Looking after the Doula
Marketing and Business Practices
Booking Form

Course Content
Module 1
Spacious stillness
What is a doula?
Mama Bamba Ethics and Standards of Practice
Significance of birth & its long-term impact
Physiology of labour & hormones of labour
Doula’s role in the various stages of labour
Becoming calm and centered
Guiding your clients in releasing resistance
Techniques for emotional care
Module 2
Hospitals and how to negotiate the space
The birth partner’s role
A doula’s role in difficult labours and informed decision making
C-section & VBAC
Listening skills
Module 3
Sacred birth and the incoming soul
Newborn care
An introduction to breastfeeding
Postnatal care
Module 4
Cultural competency
Sexual abuse
Death & grief

Module 5
The business of being a doula
Prenatal care and birth plans
Looking after the doula
Post course support
Review, closing & feedback

Amy Mongie

Angela Morton

Tertia Alkema